ToyFare and Power Lords: A blast from the past!!

ToyFare Article



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Thanks to for helping track down this bit of historical fun and for putting us in touch with former ToyFare Writer Ben Leach and former ToyFare Editor Justin Aclin.

Vintage Catalog Galleries Added!

While Power Lords Return will be looking towards the bold future of the franchise, we can’t get there without an appreciation of the past. To that end, we here at will be taking a look back at what’s come before from time-to-time.

First up, we’ve added a handful of galleries to the Vintage section of the site! We’ve got a look at the Power Lords pages from three vintage 80s toy catalogs including the 1983 catalog that showcased the very beginning of the Vintage line! Click the link below to proceed to the Vintage section of the site and keep checking back as we’ll be adding more vintage images in the coming weeks!

Continue to the Vintage Archives!