Does this Ancient Geoglyph depict a Power Lord?

The Nazca Spaceman Geoglyph Near Nazca Peru

The research team is proud to announce that it has uncovered important clues that may help solve a riddle that has baffled some of the best archeologists of our generation.

Our astounding discovery involves the Nazca Lines, the mysterious giant geoglyphs created by the ancient peoples of southern Peru between 400 and 650 AD.

Some experts believe that these giant images were created so they could be seen by gods in the sky, while others claim that the Nazca people created these huge images after they had been visited by extraterrestrials, in order to draw those extraterrestrials back to Earth. But the questions remain, who were these images meant for, and why did these ancient people create images on such a large scale that the only way to properly appreciate them was to fly over them in an aircraft?

One geoglyph, the one known as the Nazca “Spaceman” or “Astronaut,” has been particularly intriguing, because it appears to depict an entity in a spacesuit and helmet, who is holding one hand aloft in gesture universally recognized as a greeting.

The identity of this entity has remained a mystery — until now that is — when the ethnographic research team positively identified him as Sydot The Supreme, the brilliant scientist and Power Lord from Rana the Water Planet.

As you can see from the attached photographs, the geoglyph clearly shows Sydot, wearing a space suit and helmet. Although his tail has been subjected to erosion over the years it can still be seen peeking out from behind his space suit.

While these findings have yet to be accepted as general scientific consensus, we fully expect that they will be, as soon as they are submitted for peer review.

Meanwhile, feel free to take a look at the image in the Nazca Desert in southern Peru via satellite and judge for yourself.

Google Earth Coordinates 14 44’42.71″S 75 4’47.24″W



Artist’s rendering of the Nazca Spaceman Figure
Drawn by Frank Stone (2012)

Click on the photo below to access more Google Earth views of Nazca Images.




Thank you for participating in the POWER LORDS Show! This form contains all of the details and information regarding the show. You can either select this form on your computer and print this form directly or copy and paste it to your preferred word processing program and then print it out. Please retain a copy for your records and send a completed copy to Four Horsemen along with your finished POWER LORDS art or custom.

Opening Reception 7-11 pm February 9TH, 2013

Dates February 9-13th, 2013

Location TT Underground Gallery
(Below Toy Tokyo) 91 2nd Ave
New York, NY

Deadline for finished art / custom
Feb.1, 2013/ Jan.18 for application and dimensions

Where to send competed art / custom
Four Horsemen, LLC.
10 Park Place, Unit 4-D
Butler, NJ 07405.

Four Horsemen Contact Info


Phone 973.283.4390

Fax 973.283.4391

• Artists or Customizers can label their pieces “For Display Only” or “For Sale” at their discretion.

• Pieces will be made available for sale at TT Underground Gallery starting the first day of the show, if you choose to on February 9th, 2013 at 7pm. Purchases can be made in-store or over the phone. After the show, any pieces that have not sold will be available at for the same price set for the show. Any pieces that have not sold after two months will be returned to the artist – if the artist desires – at the artist’s expense. Please include prepaid return shipping label or other arrangements to have your piece returned.

• By submitting your art or custom POWER LORD to this show, you agree that Four Horsemen LLC may use photographs and other images of your art or custom for advertisement and publication.

• This completed form MUST be sent along with your art or custom piece or it won’t be able to be used in the show.

• Please let us know if you have any promotional materials you would like to have available at the show.

• If you have any questions or anything else, please feel free to contact Jim at

Name of your POWER LORD PIECE: ______________________________________________

Sale price for your POWER LORD PIECE (USD) (if you’re selling): $__________

Name you would like to be credited as: __________________________________________

* Please keep in mind when pricing your POWER LORDS art or custom that you will receive 50% of the total price and the other 50% will be used to cover show costs by TT UNDERGROUND & FOUR HORSEMEN, LLC.

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